Friday, April 30, 2010

Punishments for everyone!

I decided to take Gigi and Bridget for a walk today. Brig drove her bike alongside the stroller. When she sped up, I jogged right beside her. When there was a car, we all pulled to the side of the road. On the way back, she got ahead of me and when I sped up, she drove faster! The last .5 km of our little "walk" consisted of me jogging with the stroller and screaming "Bridget get off the road. STOP! Get on the side of the road. WAIT FOR ME." while watching Bridget driving her little bike in the MIDDLE of the road.

So, for the rest of the weekend Bridget is not allowed to touch her bike or her iPod (The iPod absence is to help her to listen and pay attention.)

And for my punishment: I have to quit smoking. If I didn't smoke, I would have caught up to her!

Horrible night again!

Gigi gave me a rough time last night. She kept waking up and crying. I'd breastfeed her and burp her, change her diaper and then put her back in her crib, but she just kept crying. I woke up daddy and had him rock her for a while. That's 2 nights in a row now. I am now paying for the past six months of being spoiled. (Gigi slept through the night since she was 6 weeks old)

Bridget crawled into my bed at 5am. Bridget is 4 years old. She's a regular fixture in my bed.

Gigi's waking up now.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Time Flies... or does it?

April has come and gone. I have got to get started on Spring cleaning. Clean up week around here is the first or second full week of May. (That's when we're allowed to put anything* out at the road to be picked up by the garbage truck.)

I just can't find the time to do any hardcore cleaning around here. I have to take care of Gigi (she's 6 months old.) and watch my store. Did I mention the store before? I have a small cigarette store in my yard. It makes enough money to keep me fom shutting it down, but it doesn't make enough money to hire any employees.

SO basically I have to sit in the living room, where I can clearly see the security monitors. Once the wind dies down outside, Gigi and I are going to spend much more time outdoors.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Awaiting grades

I am still awaiting 1 of my grades. I took 3 classes last term and I know I failed 1. I got 60% in "criminal justice statistics."

I have been so relieved that I am done school for the time being. If my grades give me an overall GPA of 60%, I can apply for graduation. If I average less than 60%, I must return for a class or two.