Thursday, April 29, 2010

Time Flies... or does it?

April has come and gone. I have got to get started on Spring cleaning. Clean up week around here is the first or second full week of May. (That's when we're allowed to put anything* out at the road to be picked up by the garbage truck.)

I just can't find the time to do any hardcore cleaning around here. I have to take care of Gigi (she's 6 months old.) and watch my store. Did I mention the store before? I have a small cigarette store in my yard. It makes enough money to keep me fom shutting it down, but it doesn't make enough money to hire any employees.

SO basically I have to sit in the living room, where I can clearly see the security monitors. Once the wind dies down outside, Gigi and I are going to spend much more time outdoors.

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